Main Business

Main services Scope: Consulting, Supply chain, Engineering, and Testing.


Our comprehensive consulting services draw on a complete range of technical specialization including the design and construction of Industrial Parks and power projects. These services also include the design and construction of power stations, such as ground centralized power stations.


Supply chain

SMT provides the integrated procurement services and supplies complete sets of manufacturing equipment and production raw materials for capacity projects. We also provide supplies to EPC service providers and raw materials for power station projects such as photovoltaic power stations. These supplies include but not limited to components, brackets, inverters, energy storage power supplies, power distribution equipment, cables, the OEM products, charging piles, photovoltaic components and household photovoltaic integrated products, etc.


Engineering services encompass the development of renewable energy and industrial parks, scheme of project including manufacturing and engineering, capacity, Integration and implementation scheme of photovoltaic product manufacturing equipment, Intelligent manufacturing planning and implementation. SMT’s engineering teams undertake power station construction projects including photovoltaic, wind power and energy storage, along with planning, operation and maintenance. We are also specialized in charging station construction projects’ planning, operation and maintenance as well as enterprise production & safety management, quality system & quality management, intellectual property production & management and technical training.



We assist our clients in the establishment of photovoltaic product testing and certifications. SMT has exceptional expertise in photovoltaic product production standards, carrying out third-party testing including photovoltaic modules, power stations and charging stations. We also provide power station engineering testing and acceptance services, and assist our customers in establishing daily operation, maintenance and monitoring systems.

Case Show

Cooperation with the National New Energy Research Institute of the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan

In January 2024, SMT members have formally established cooperation with the National New Energy Research Institute of the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan. This cooperation will provide strong support for the development of the photovoltaic industry in Uzbekistan, including but not limited to the overall planning of photovoltaic laboratories, the provision of laboratory equipment such as solar simulators, and the provision of technical advice and support around the testing and quality evaluation of photovoltaic products.

Cooperation with the National New Energy Research Institute of the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan

Lerri Photovoltaics

Lerri Photovoltaics

On May 18, 2016, the annual production base of 500MW high-efficiency PERC cells and 3GW high-efficiency monocrystalline modules was established. The project is located in Shangyuan Road, Xi 'an, with a construction area of 49,849 m2 and a total investment of about 2.5 billion yuan.

SMT staff participated in project site selection, partner consultation, production base planning, design and construction management, and took the lead in equipment selection, production trial operation, etc.

5GW monocrystalline Cell Industrial Park

On April 2, 2020, the 5GW monocrystalline cell Industrial Park project was located in Jinghe Industrial Park, Xi 'an City. The total land area is about 277.32 mu, and the building covers an area of 109259.60㎡. Project by xi 'an by the industrial park construction co., LTD., construction.

SMT members participated in whole consulting of design and construction of battery workshop, power station and methanol plant.

After the completion of the project, the annual output value is expected to be about 11 billion yuan, and more than 2,000 new jobs will be created.

In addition, SMT is also involved in providing process technical services for special gas systems, nitrogen systems, oxygen systems, compressed air systems, steam systems, chemical systems, air conditioning water systems, air supply and exhaust systems, exhaust gas systems, wastewater systems, pure water systems, water supply and drainage systems, fire protection systems, etc.

5GW Single Crystal Photovoltaic Cell Industrial Park

3GW Single Crystal Battery Industry Project

3GW monocrystalline Industry Project

In June 2021, 3GW monocrystalline industry project was completed. The project is a production supporting industrial plant used by LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., LTD., a global leader in solar photovoltaic power generation, with a total construction area of 64,135.02 square meters, divided into two construction areas in the north and south regions, a total of 7 building bodies, and a total investment of about 720 million yuan.

SMT members led the whole process of consultation, including three new workshop and build a new warehouse of civil engineering, decoration engineering, mechanical and electrical installation and decoration engineering, general engineering equipment installation and commissioning, IT systems engineering, fire engineering, etc.

Jidalat Banner Engebe 200MW wind power project

Engebe 200MW wind power project is located in Dalat Banner, Ordos City. The project consists of fans and box-type transformers, power supply lines, road works, construction production and living areas and booster stations, with a total area of 63.84 hectares. The total investment of the main project is 1.15 billion yuan. The two huge wind turbines in the wind power project reached the initial speed of 3 revolutions per minute under the power traction, and then switched the power source to wind, and the speed gradually increased to 9 revolutions per minute, and then successfully connected to the grid.

In 2023,SMT process involved in the project consultation, especially at the beginning of the project design, according to the regional characteristics, set 40 sets of design and construction capacity of 5 mw wind turbine, supporting the construction of 40 mw / 80 mw centralized energy storage device, built in the year after that, on average, about 560 million KWH electricity. It save 178600 tons of standard coal a year, with Dalat photovoltaic power generation application leading base to form a wind-solar complementary development model.

Jidalat Banner Engebe 200MW wind power project

Shaanxi Wuqi Tiebian city 100MW wind power project

Shaanxi Wuqi Tiebian city 100MW wind power project

Located in Wugu Town, the project is a key supporting project of Shaan-Wu DC transmission new energy, which belongs to the mountain high mixed tower wind power project. It is planned to install 22 wind turbines with a single capacity of 4.55 MW, with a total installed capacity of 100 MW, and a new 110 kV booster station, which is connected to the 110 kV substation of Shaji of the State Grid. After it is completed and put into operation, it is expected that the annual on-grid electricity will be about 218 million KWH.

In the 2023 project bidding stage, the investment of the first phase of the project is about 500 million yuan, and the SMT members are responsible for the consulting work during the project establishment.

BYD (Xi 'an) 60MW Roof Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

The distributed photovoltaic power generation project uses the roof of BYD's factory to build a monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic power generation system. After the completion of the project, the average annual power generation is more than 12 million KWH, which can replace more than 4,700 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 12,600 tons. At the same time, the construction of new energy vehicle charging piles, photovoltaic energy storage street lights, and comprehensive intelligent monitoring platforms to form a set of efficient, intelligent and low-carbon comprehensive intelligent energy system to help achieve green and circular development.

In 2016, SMT members are responsible for the early stage of the project consulting work and inspection work.

BYD (Xi 'an) 60MW Roof Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

Hunyuan 100MW PV Power Parity Project

Hunyuan 100MW PV Power Parity Project

The project started in March 2020 and was developed and built by Xi 'an Longi Clean Energy, with auxiliary consulting work carried out by SMT staff. The project is located in Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province, with an installed capacity of 100MT and a total ancient land of about 3692 mu, which belongs to the mountain photovoltaic project. The project delivery construction, access and commissioning of the newly built 220KV Baoning Station and the two boost stations that have been put into operation. When the project is completed and put into operation, it is expected to provide more than 160 million kWh of electricity for the power grid every year and save about 51,000 tons of standard coal.

Xinrong District 100 MW PV Parity Demonstration Project

The project was founded on March 26, 2020, located in Xinrong District, Datong City, Shanxi Province, with an installed capacity of 100M, a total area of about 5,061.17 mu, an annual power generation of 175.291,000 KWH, and a total investment of about 1 billion yuan. The project uses coal mining subsidence area to build photovoltaic power station, booster station adopts full prefabricated cabin solution, intelligent operation and fault diagnosis system to improve operation and maintenance efficiency. The support is made of high-strength steel, and the steel scenery used in the whole project is reduced by 468T.

SMT staff led by project construction phase of the consulting work, providing system integration solutions, security project to lowest LCOE (stabilization degree electricity costs), the highest value IRR (internal rate of return) to achieve parity with Internet access, reduce costs to improve efficiency, ensure that the interests of customers to the greatest extent, to promote the success of the project.

Xinrong District 100 MW PV Parity Demonstration Project

100MW Agricultural Photovoltaic Power Plant Project in Puli Changtian, Guanling County

100MW Agricultural Photovoltaic Power Plant Project in Puli Changtian, Guanling County

Begin in October 2022 and completed in May 2023, Guanling Puli Changtian 100MT agricultural photovoltaic power station project is located in Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province. The planned installed capacity of the project is 100M, and the total investment is about 450 million yuan.

SMT personnel responsible for project EPC phase of the consultation, contains the dc side loader 120 megawatts of photovoltaic area and supporting facilities, construction and component based on component bracket installation as a starting point in engineering, with pv area 4 set of electrical lines connected to the booster station project 220 kv booster station line 35 kv switch cabinet into the ark, Achieve safe and stable operation of all equipment for 120 hours as the end of the project service.

Dong'an County Xiagi Agricultural Park 100MW Distributed Photovoltaic System Project

The distributed photovoltaic power generation project is located in Xiaqi Agricultural Park, Dongan County, with a total investment of about 400 million yuan, to be completed in 2021. The total capacity of the project is 136.1745MTP on the DC side and 100MW on the AC side. The system is divided into 17 5.98MT photovoltaic power generation units using block power generation and centralized grid-connection scheme. After the completion of the project, the total power generation for 25 years will be about 330.65 million KW.H, and the average annual power generation will be 132.26 million KT.H.

SMT personnel responsible for project design and construction period of consultation, participated in the design of agricultural park photovoltaic roof plan, to ensure that the agricultural production of photovoltaic power generation at the same time.

Dong'an County Xiagi Agricultural Park 100MW Distributed Photovoltaic System Project

Alxa League 100MW Desert Ecological Governance Photovoltaic Project

Alxa League 100MW Desert Ecological Governance Photovoltaic Project

The project is located in Ulan Buhe ecological sand Industry , Inner Mongolia, begin in Oct.2023, with a total investment of 508 million yuan, planned installed capacity of 100MWp, with energy storage configured at 20MW/40MWH, annual average utilization hours of 1665.6 hours, annual electricity generation is about 184,068,800 KWH, and a total land scale of 2447 acres. Grass grid sand barriers are planted around the project and between the photovoltaic array. The desert ecological control area will reach 1.33 million square meters, effectively improving the quality of the surrounding ecological environment.

SMT lead the whole process consulting, booster to maximize ecological governance effect.

Zhongjiao West Construction 8MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project

The 8 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation using the roof resources of the company's own factory. The total installed capacity of the project is 80,000 trillion, and the photovoltaic panel laying area is 76,000 square meters. The designed annual power generation of the project is 8 million KWH. More than 31,000 monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules are neatly arranged, and the momentum is magnificent. The average annual energy saving 29.66 million tons of standard coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions 8450 tons, reduce carbon dust emissions 2305 tons, energy saving and environmental protection benefits are obvious.

Since Jul.2019, members of SMT participated in the initial design and construction of the project, providing whole process consulting services including preliminary design, EPC, equipment selection and installation, trial operation and so on.

Zhongjiao West Construction 8MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project

Industrial investment-Shaanxi Xixian Energy Development Co., LTD

Industrial investment-Shaanxi Xixian Energy Development Co., LTD

Established in July 2020, Shaanxi Xixian Energy Development Co., Ltd. is a joint venture established by Shaanxi Comprehensive Energy Group and Jinghe New Town Industrial Development Group of Xixian New Area. The registered capital of the company is 200,000 yuan, and the current paid-in capital is 10 million yuan

Members of SMT participated in the early consultation of industrial investment, as a consultant contributed to the smooth progress of industrial investment, found a good partner for customers, provided the best cooperation plan for customers, and ultimately contributed to the industrial investment and continued to participate in the early trial operation as a consultant, fully helping the success of industrial investment.

Qin Chuangyuan

Construction began on March 30, 2021, Qin Chuangyuan 1980 Jing Building Center project plot is located in the north of Jinghe New City Yuanshi Avenue, south adjacent to Shaanxi Shengyang Machinery Co., LTD. The land area is 182.90 mu, the design estimate is about 600 million yuan (excluding plant and equipment), and the annual investment is 60 million yuan;

SMT participated in the consulting work of the initial stage of the project, and took the lead in the provision and selection of partners in the ongoing project, and was responsible for attracting science and technology innovation enterprises with good development prospects to enter Qinchuang Park.

Qin Chuangyuan

Zhigu Science and Technology Park (Phase I)

Zhigu Science and Technology Park (Phase I)

The Zhigu Science and Innovation Park (Phase I) project is located in Jinghe New Town and was completed on August 2, 2022.. The planned total land area is 45030 square meters (67.5 acres), with a total investment of 1984.21 million Yuan.

SMT participated in the initial construction of the project and provided engineering construction consulting services, participated in and led the construction assignment, construction process supervision, project quality supervision, project acceptance and other work in the science and technology Park.

The first sewage treatment plant

The first sewage treatment plant project is completed in May 2017, located in Qinlong Avenue, with a total investment of about 2.535 billion yuan; The project covers an area of about 317.79 acres, with a total construction area of 39107 square meters and a processing capacity of 85,000 tons/day. Members of SMT participated in consulting the early site selection and design of the project, and led the supervision of the EPC process.

The first sewage treatment plant